success stories

From Stuck and Overwhelmed To Confident and Thriving

Witness How Practitioner Marketing Has Changed People’s Lives by Helping Them To Grow Their Skills, Confidence, and Impact in a Matter of Months.

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Sinead doubled the number of consistent clients she was seeing per week

“I went from seeing one client a week to two clients a week and then … I was consistently getting two clients a week to maybe three and then in January … It’s just been three consistently every week…. I was just so busy in January that I couldn’t keep up! ” – Sinead Doohan
"I have always worked 9-5 and had no clue about how to set myself up as a business woman. Joining the VIP has propelled me to being able to help people within the community: our mentors were humans but with superpowers! They saw each of us as people with individual needs and by the end of the program I made 7 figures and quit my teaching job to focus on my passion for helping others."
Nowena Piispa
Practitioner Marketing Member
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Vidya gained 6 paying clients within 8 weeks of the Practitioner Marketing VIP program

“Being a high achiever I wanted to get everything done at once, but this is where the consistent marketing really helped. In the first week of November, I attracted six paying clients at a higher priced program in just one week. So I could see all of the effort that I had put in before that starting to show.” – Vidya Venkat
Looking for Ways To Find Paying Clients?

Download your FREE guide on simple tactics for getting yourself known both on and offline, as used by leading therapist herself, Marisa Peer.

Robert Anderson

Robert acquired the skills needed to grow his business for his target clients.

“Practitioner Marketing has given me certainty, because I know who my clients are and how best to help them. My business has grown consistently since I have finished the course, and I’m looking forward to growing exponentially because the information is there to be able to scale.” – Robert Anderson

Jo gained the confidence to increase her prices and charge what her transformations are worth.

“Since VIP I now have 2 extra clients having 3 sessions a month. I’m still listening to Marisa’s audios on money mindset and they’re definitely helping. My fees have now doubled!”
Jo Hickman
Practitioner Marketing Member
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Anitha transformed from a hypnotherapist without the skills to share her gift, to a thriving businesswoman.

“At the start of the VIP program, I knew I was a phenomenal hypnotherapist, but I did not have the skills to get my practice off the ground. Collectively, the mentors have been able to give each of their students an individualized, personalized experience. It is something that has made me feel valued and listened to. I was able to take that knowledge and wisdom, and transfer it into my business, and I have seen a phenomenal difference.” – Anita Haripersad

Do You Dream of Seeing Results Like Our Students Have Achieved?

Start your journey today towards gaining more clarity, confidence and skills with the support of experts who have walked the path you are on.